Finding a basis for the vector space of polynomials

inner-productslinear algebravector-spaces

I want to find a basis for the vector space, polynomials $p$ of degree $\leq 4$ which satisfy $p(2)=0$ and $p^{''}(3)=0$.

The basis which I found is $\{(x-3)^4-1, (x-3)^3+1, (x-3)+1 \}$. But in the rest of my exercise, I should find an orthonormal basis for my basis with respect to the following inner product:

$$\langle p(x),q(x) \rangle = \int_{1}^{3}p(x)q(x)dx,$$

which leads to a $\textit{very}$ big calculations.

My Question: Is there a better basis with respect to the defined inner product?


Best Answer

Let $p(x)=x^4+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d$.

Thus, $$16+8a+4b+2c+d=0$$ and $$6\cdot9+3a\cdot3+b=0,$$ which gives $$b=-54-9a,$$ $$d=200+24a-2c$$ and $$p(x)=x^4-54x^2+200+a(x^3-9x^2+24)+c(x-2).$$