Area – How to Find the Area Bounded by Two Graphs


Namely we have given two graphs: $y=\sqrt{2 – x^2} \text {and } x + (\sqrt{2}-1)y = \sqrt{2}$

The question asks us to find the area bounded by those two graphs. I tried sketching those two graphs in a plane, however still I'm not sure which area is the question asking to find?

The correct answer says $\frac{\pi }{4} – \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}$. Here is a picture of the two graphs. I would be really thankful if someone shows me how to approach to find the correct area.

Sketch of the two graphs

Best Answer

I would not think about graphs, but rather think about circles and lines in the plane instead.

enter image description here

The sector of the circle defined by the intersections with the line (the shaded region in the drawing above) are an 8th of the circle. So the whole sector has area $\frac18\cdot \pi\sqrt 2^2 = \frac\pi4$.

Now, this sector includes the region we are after, but also includes a triangle $\triangle ABO$ that we don't want. So we subtract the area of that triangle. It has base $\sqrt2$ and height $1$, so its area is $\frac12\cdot \sqrt2 = \frac1{\sqrt2}$. This gives you the answer you're after.