Find vector from point along line lying on a direction vector


Sorry if the title's confusing. I've been trying to solve this problem with no avail:

enter image description here

Let $V = (0,3,2)$ and $A = (-1,0,1).$ Let $P$ be the point on the line passing through $A$ with direction vector $(1,1,1)$ that is closest to $V.$ Find $\overrightarrow{AP}.$

Obviously, to solve the problem I need to find the point P. However, I'm quite lost in regards to how to find it. I'm pretty sure I can use the formula to find the distance between the line (and P) from point V, but I don't know how I would find the point P from the distance. I'm also confused with the specific wording of the problem. I'm pretty sure that it dictates the line lying along the direction vector $(1, 1, 1)$ is the same line that P is on, but I'm not sure. Any thoughts or solutions are appreciated in advance!

Best Answer

In this case we can use the projection formula $$\operatorname{proj}_{b}a=\frac {a\cdot b}{\|b\|^2}b.$$

Let $L_A=\{(-1,0,1)+t\,(1,1,1)\,|\,t\in \mathbb{R}\}$ be the line passing through $A$ with direction vector $(1,1,1)$

Also, $\vec{AV}=(0,3,2)-(-1,0,1)=(1,3,1)$.

So, $$\vec{AP}=\operatorname{proj}_{(1,1,1)}\vec{AV}=\frac {\vec{AV}\cdot (1,1,1)}{\|(1,1,1)\|^2}(1,1,1)$$ $$=\frac{(1,3,1)\cdot (1,1,1)}{3}(1,1,1)$$ $$\Rightarrow \vec{AP}=\frac{5}{3}(1,1,1).$$