Find Value of 2A in Trigonometric Equation


Find value of $2A$ if $A=\frac{3\tan\left(A\right)}{1-\tan\left(A\right)}-1$

My first thought was rewriting the $1$ as $\frac{1-\tan(A)}{1-\tan(A)}$,
which implies that $A=\frac{4\tan\left(A\right)-1}{1-\tan\left(A\right)}$

I then noticed that it awfully mirrored the tangent angle addition identity, $\tan\left(\alpha+\beta\right)=\frac{\tan\left(\alpha\right)+\tan\left(\beta\right)}{1-\tan\left(\alpha\right)\tan\left(\beta\right)}$.

However, I am quite unsure on how to progress from here, or if my current progress is even in the correct direction. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

To get rid of the discontinuities, multiply everything by $(1-\tan(A))\cos(A)$ which makes that we look for the zero's of function $$f(A)=(A+4) \sin (A)-(A+1) \cos (A)$$

As said in comments, the solutions will be closer and closer to $\left(n+\frac{1}{4}\right)\pi$. So, let $$A= \left(n+\frac{1}{4}\right)\pi+x$$ and expand to obtain $$6\cos(x)+(4x+(4n+1)\pi+10)\sin(x)=0$$

Now, using the very first terms of the Taylor expansions of the sine and cosine functions around $x=0$, you will have $$6+((4n+1)\pi+10) x+O(x^2)=0 \quad \implies x=-\frac 6{(4n+1)\pi+10 }$$ that is to say $$A_{(n)} \sim \left(n+\frac{1}{4}\right)\pi-\frac 6{(4n+1)\pi+10}$$