Find the value of $3a+b+c$, when $\frac{3a^2+b^2+3c^2}{ab+bc+ca}$ attains its minimum, where $abc=432$ and $(a,b,c)\in\mathbb R_{+}^{3}$


Let $a,b,c$ be real positive numbers such that the expression $\dfrac{3a^2+b^2+3c^2}{ab+bc+ca}$ attains minimum possible value . If $abc=432$, then what value will be the expression $3a+b+c\thinspace \thinspace ?$

I think i have got a heads up to the question. For the expression to attain a minimum possible value $a<b<c$.Also the numbers should be seperated by a large magnitude(i speculate the min value of seperation to be 9). After that i am kinda stuck. Can anybody suggest anyother approach. Thanks.

Best Answer

Also, smoothing helps.

Indeed, let $k$ be a minimal value of the expression $\frac{3a^2+b^2+3c^2}{ab+ac+bc}$ and let $a+c=constant.$

Thus,$k>0$ and we see that it's enough to prove the inequality $$3(a+c)^2-6ac+b^2\geq k(ac+b(a+c))$$ for a maximal value of $ac$, which happens for $a=c$.

Thus, we need to find a maximal value of $k$ for which the inequality $$6a^2+b^2\geq k(b^2+2ab)$$ or $$(6-k)a^2+b^2\geq2kab$$ is true for any positives $a$ and $b$.

Since should be $6-k>0,$ by AM-GM we obtain: $$(6-k)a^2+b^2\geq2\sqrt{6-k}ab,$$ which gives that should be $$2\sqrt{6-k}ab\geq2kab,$$ or $$k^2+k-6\leq0$$ or $$k\leq2.$$

The equality occurs for $a=c$ and $b=2c$, which says that $2$ is a minimal value and $a^2\cdot2a=432,$ which gives $(a,b,c)=(6,12,6)$ and $$3a+b+c=18+12+6=36.$$

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