Find the total number of marbles


A jar has only red green and blue marbles . If it is three times as likely that you randomly pick a red marble for a green one and five times as likely that you pick a green one for a blue marble. What could be the possible total number of marbles ?

Best Answer

Denote balls by R,G and B.

R is $thrice$ likely as G, so, R=3G
G is $5$ times as likely as B, so, G=5B
Let there be n B balls, $$B=n$$
So, $$G=5B=5n$$ And, $$R=15B=15n$$

So, there are n B, 5n G and 15n B balls.

Total balls are $$n+5n+15n=21n$$ where n is a natural number.

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