Geometry – How to Calculate the Surface Area of Parallelepipeds


Working on the book: Lang, Serge & Murrow, Gene. "Geometry – Second Edition" (p. 281)

  1. The surface area of a solid is the total of the areas of all its faces. Find the surface area of each parallelepiped above.

enter image description here

I found the area of top and bottom parallelograms, and also front and back. I a having difficulties understanding how can I find the area of right and left parallelograms ?

Does the area of each side equal $6*10=60$ ? Are right and left figures paralellograms ?

Best Answer

Let the length of the side you want to find of the left and right parallelograms (in fact, they are rectangles) be $l$. Then:

$\sin(60 ^\circ) = \frac{10}{l}$. Therefore $l = \frac{10}{\sin(60 ^\circ)}$. The area of the left and right rectangles are therefore...

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