Find the speed of a bob when its wire has reduced its radius


The problem is as follows:

A brass sphere is hanging from a ceiling as it is seen in the figure
from below. Assuming that at the position $A$ the speed is
$3\frac{m}{s}$ the bob swings and hits a bolt located in point $B$. As
a result the bob keeps swinging in the trajectory indicated by the
dashed line.

Sketch of the problem

Using this information find the speed of the bob when it passes
through point $C$. You may assume that the acceleration due gravity is

The alternatives given in my book are as follows:

1.&\textrm{3.6 meters per second}\\
2.&\textrm{2.8 meters per second}\\
3.&\textrm{4.2 meters per second}\\
4.&\textrm{1.8 meters per second}\\

So far what I've attempted to do is to use the conservation of mechanical energy on this system as follows:

Assuming that the moment when the bob is at $A$ it will have the same energy as when it passes below the point $B$. I'm assuming that the reference for the potential energy is just below point $B$. I mean where the bolt is put in the wall.


Well after doing this I'm getting:


Cancelling the mass and replaing the known quantities I'm getting:



Now in this second segment I'm assuming that the energy on point $B$ will remain the same as when it passes through point $C$.



But since R=0.4 this will make that the speed on $C$ to be also 3 meters per second.

What could it be wrong in this analysis?. Did I overlooked something?. Can someone help me to spot what did I do wrong?.

The more I look into this question, I think that this may have to do to work with the tension of the wire.

I have not used the fact that of the angle which was given. Should this be used?.
If I were to use the angle initially I could calculate the initial tension of the wire. I mean on point $A$.

But this tension will not be the same when the bob passes through point $C$. Perhaps does it exist a way to find it?.

Can someone guide me here?. I feel lost. Please try to include a step by step explanation so I can understand.

Best Answer

The diagram is deceptive: the bob is $ \ 1.2 \cos 60º \ = 0.6 $ m. below the pivot, which is higher than point C at $ \ 0.8 $ m. below the pivot. [The bob goes from 0.6 m. to 0.4 m. above the lowest point of the pendulum swing.] So the change in potential energy of the bob is $ \ -0.2 mg \ $ from point A to point C .

The speed at point C is then given by

$ \ \frac{1}{2} \ v^{2} \ = \ \frac{1}{2} · 3^{2} \ + \ (0.6 - 0.4) · g \ $ ;

this does give one of the available choices for the result.

Concerning the tension in the wire, while it is true that $ \ T \ $ throughout the swing varies, this force is always perpendicular to the circular arc of the swing. So in a simple pendulum, the tension does no work on the bob, and so does not enter into the kinetic energy - potential energy calculation. The tension force only serves to control the trajectory of the bob.

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