Find the ratio of the perimeter of a square and of a triangle.



Let the square $ABCD$ be on the side $l$ and the points $E$ and $F$ on the sides $BC$ and $CD$ respectively so that $\angle EAF= 45$. Find the ratio between the perimeter of the square and the perimeter of the triangle.

The drawing:

enter image description here

My idea:

First of all we can simply say that the perimeter of the square is $4l$

I noted $\angle DAF=x$ and $\angle EAB=y$.

As you can see in the drawing $\angle DFA=y+45$ and $\angle AEB=x+45$.(1)

We can simply show that $\angle PEA= \angle AFM= 45$(2)

From (1) and (2) we can say that $\angle PEC= y+45$ and $\angle MFC= x+45$

I thought of showing some congruences(I think that angles of trinagle are $45,75,30$ which means we can a right angles isoscel triangle and a $30,60,90$ triangle back to back). I also thought of taking the midpoint of $FE$ and applying the median theorem corresponding to the hypotenuse.

I don't know what to do forward! Hope one fo you can help me! Thank you!

Best Answer

enter image description here


As can be seen in figure the altitude of triangle is always equal to $l$. If we suppose triangle is symmetric about diagonal AC of square , then we have:

$\angle EAB=\angle FAC=22.5^o$

$AE=AF=\frac l{\cos 22.5}$

$EF=2GE=2 AE \sin 22.5=2l \tan 22.5$

$P_{\triangle}=\frac{2l}{\cos 22.5}+2l\tan 22.5$

$\frac {P_\triangle}{P_\square}=\frac{\sin 22.5+1}{\cos 22.5}\approx 0.7494$

As can be seen the ratio is not constant, for example with triangle AHI we have:

$\frac {P_\triangle}{P_\square}=\frac{6.91+6.22+5.06=18.19}{4\times 6}\approx 0.7579$