Find the probability that we need to weigh at least 20 eggs before we find the 12th medium-sized egg


The mass of eggs in a farm is normally distributed with a mean of $575~\text{g}$ and standard deviation of $80~\text{g}$.

(a) An egg can be classified as having a “medium size” if its mass is between
$500$ and $600$ grams. What is the probability that a randomly selected egg from the farm is a medium-sized egg? Use R to find the answer.

(b) Let $M$ be the count of medium-sized eggs in a random sample of $100$. What is the distribution of $M$? Using R, find the probability that at least half of the $100$ eggs are medium-sized.

(c) Eggs from this farm are sold by the dozen (12 eggs). Let $D$ be the number of randomly selected eggs we must weigh until we find the 12th medium-sized egg. What is the distribution of $D$ ? Using R, find the probability that we need to weigh at least 20 eggs before we find the 12th medium-sized egg

My attempt using Rstudio for a and b

p <- pnorm(600,575,80)-pnorm(500,575,80)


[1] 0.448419

sum(dbinom(50:100, 50, p))

[1] 3.838845e-18

Now for part c do you use the part b and change 50 to 12 to find the distribution and then somehow find the probability using that to find the second part of part c?


Possible answer to part C, by
$$P(X=10) = {20-1 \choose 12-1}0.0448419^{12}(1-0.044819)^{20-12}$$


Best Answer

The result for (a) is right.

At (b) it seems that you haven´t used the right number for $p=0.448419$ like at (c).

$$P(X\geq 50)=\sum_{k=50}^{100} {{100} \choose k} \cdot 0.448419^k\cdot (1-0.448419)^{100-k}$$


At (c) the key word is "at least". You have to sum from $n=20$ to infinity.

$$\sum_{n=20}^{\infty} {{n-1} \choose {12-1}}\cdot 0.448419^{12}\cdot (1- 0.448419)^{n-12}=0.915083\approx 91.51\%$$


For (c) you can also use the converse proability $P(X\geq 20)=1-P(X\leq 19)$

$$1-\sum_{n=12}^{19} {{n-1} \choose {12-1}}\cdot 0.448419^{12}\cdot (1- 0.448419)^{n-12}$$

$$=1-0.084917=0.915083\approx 91.51\%$$

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