Find the probability density function for $Y = X^2 + 1$

density functionprobabilityprobability distributions

The question is, let $X$ be a random variable, on $[0, 1]$, with probability density function $p(x) = 2-2x$.

Let $Y$ be a random variable on $[1, 2]$, such that $Y = X^2 + 1$. Find the pdf for $Y$.

I was wondering how the statement "$Y$ on $[1, 2]$" has effects on the solution. The general approach would be constructing corresponding CDF and then differentiate it. I wasn't too sure if the statement has any effects on the solution.

Thank you in advance!

Best Answer

Easy use the fundamental transformation theorem




this avoid you to calculate the CDF first, as not requested

Observe that: the condition $y \in [1;2]$ is not a restriction but only an useless information; it is the support of Y that you can calculate by your own. In fact trasforming $X \rightarrow Y$ with the transformation $Y=X^2+1$ the original support $X \in [0;1]$ becomes $Y \in [1;2]$.

After calculating $f_Y$ you can see that the support of Y must be $(1;2]$. This doesn't change anything because $P(Y=1)=0$

It is not forbidden to use the method you wanted to use....but it is longer

  1. First you have to derive $F_X(x)=2x-x^2$

  2. Second use the definition:

$$F_Y(y)=P(X^2+1 \leq y]=P[X\leq \sqrt{y-1}]=F_X(\sqrt{y-1})=1-y-2\sqrt{y-1}$$

  1. Derivating $F_Y(y)$ you get the same result as above.