Geometry – Calculating the Perimeter and Area of Quadrilateral IJKL


ABCD is a rectangle with sides 10 and 20. E,F,G and H are midpoints of their sides. Find the perimeter and area of IJKL.


So I was able to figure out the sides using similar triangles ($IJ = KL = 4\sqrt2$ and $IK=JL=2\sqrt{17}$, and thus the perimeter. I am unable to find the height of the parallelogram $IJKL$.

Best Answer

Hint: Show that \begin{align}\operatorname{area} AJH+\operatorname{area}BFKI&=\operatorname{area} DKF+\operatorname{area}CHJL\\&=\operatorname{area}AEIJ+\operatorname{area}{CLG}\\&=\operatorname{area} DGLK+\operatorname{area}BIE=\operatorname{area}IKLJ.\end{align} For the perimeter, show that $$2\overline{LG}=2\overline{EI}=\overline{AJ}=\overline{JL}=\overline{IK}=\overline{KD}.$$ Similarly, $$2\overline{JH}=2\overline{FK}=\overline{BI}=\overline{IJ}=\overline{CL}=\overline{LK}.$$

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