Find the number or integral values for which the inequality $3-|x-a|>x^2$ is satisfied by at least one negative $x$

absolute valueinequalityquadratics

The given equation is
$$x^2 + x -(a+3) <0$$

The right answer is 6, which can be obtained by replacing the inequity with an equality, making the discriminant positive and adjusting for a negative root to obtain the interval of $a$


So $a>-\frac{13}{4}$ and $a< \frac{13}{4}$

Also $$x=\frac{1\pm \sqrt{13-4a}}{2}$$
So $$\sqrt{13-4a}>1$$

That gives $a\in (-\frac{13}{4}, 3)$ ie. 6 integral values

But this method doesn’t sit right with me, since values satisfying the inequality were supposed to be found, not the equality. Maybe it’s just a technicality, but I am not convinced. Can I get an explanation for this?

I know a similar question already exists in the site, but I found it unsatisfactory and it doesn’t answer my specific problem

Best Answer

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If $a=3$ (orange line) then we have equality and $x=0$ which is a right boundary case. Hence we need $a<3$.

If $\displaystyle a=-\frac{13}{4}$ (violet line) then we have the left boundary where equality holds for $x<0$. So, we have $\displaystyle a>-\frac{13}{4}$ for inequality.