Find the number of integer solutions of $22x^2-34xy+6y^2=2024$


I was given this and I could really use some hints. I know that there are no integer solutions to the equation and that I have to factor the left side to get the form $(ax+by)^2$ by multiplying/dividing both sides of the equation and/or perhaps use a prime modulo of some sort so that I get a congruence in the form of $w^2\equiv c$ and then check that c is not a quadratic residue of the modulo and so reach the conclusion that there are no integer solutions to the problem. I have tried modules 3-37 (maybe made some mistakes along the way) and tried diving by 2 and then adding the modulo and haven't gotten even close to the right answer. Perhaps someone could push me toward the right modulo or give me a hint of what to look for.

Best Answer

Multiplying both sides by 6 gives you $(6y-17x)^2-157x^2=12144$.

But quadratic reciprocity gives you $\left(\dfrac{12144}{157}\right)=-1$, so this equation admits no integral solution.

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