Find the measure of the relationship $\frac{1}{r_1} – \frac{1}{r} $in the figure below


In In a right triangle $ABC$ ($A=90°$) with inradio $r$, cevian $AD$ is drawn in such a way that the inradium of $ABD$ and $ADC$ are equal to $r1$.If $AD=2$, calculate $\frac{1}{r1}-\frac{1}{r}$ (Answer:0,5).

My progress:

enter image description here

$\triangle CED \sim \triangle CAB \\
\triangle BDL \sim \triangle BCA\\
CE = CI\\
BK = BL$

but I still haven't found the necessary relationship to finalize

Best Answer

Here's what seems to be an unnecessarily-complicated solution.

enter image description here

Define $b:=|AC|$, $c:=|AB|$, $d:=|AD|$, $p:=|BD|$, $q:=|CD|$. Let $r$ be the inradius of $\triangle ABC$, and let $s$ be the common inradius of $\triangle ABD$ and $\triangle ACD$.

We know $$\text{inradius}\cdot \text{perimeter} = 2\,\text{area}$$ so we can write $$\begin{align} s(c+d+p) &= 2|\triangle ABD|=\frac{p}{p+q}\cdot 2|\triangle ABC| = \frac{p}{p+q}\, r (b+c+p+q) \tag1\\[8pt] s(b+d+q) &= 2|\triangle ACD|=\frac{q}{p+q}\cdot 2|\triangle ABC| = \frac{q}{p+q}\, r (b+c+p+q) \tag2 \end{align}$$ Solving this linear system for $b$ and $c$ gives $$ b = -q-d + \frac{2 d q r}{(p + q)(r - s)} \qquad\qquad c = -p-d + \frac{2 d p r}{(p + q)(r - s)} \tag3 $$

Since $\triangle ABC$ is right, we also know $$\begin{align} 2r = |AC|+|AB|-|BC| &= b+c-(p+q) \\ &= 2\,\frac{ ds- (p+q)(r-s)}{r - s} \\ \to \qquad (p+q)(r-s) &= ds -r(r-s)\tag4 \end{align}$$ By Stewart's Theorem, we have $$b^2p+c^2q=(p+q)(d^2+pq) \quad\underset{(3)}{\to}\quad (p + q) s (r - s)= d r (2s-r) \tag5$$

Combining $(4)$ and $(5)$ to eliminate $p+q$ gives

$$r s (r - s) = d (r - s)^2 \quad\to\quad r s = d (r - s) \quad\to\quad \frac1d=\frac1s-\frac1r \tag{$\star$}$$

Substituting $d=2$ gives the specific result for the question as stated. $\square$

There's almost-certainly a quicker path to the target relation. Note that $$s(b+c+2d+p+q)=2|\triangle ABC| = r(b+c+p+q) \qquad\to\qquad \frac1s-\frac1r=\frac{d}{|\triangle ABC|}$$ So, really, "all we have to do" is show $d^2=|\triangle ABC|$. I'm not seeing a particularly good way to do that. Even so, looking at this as $2d^2=bc$ gives an easy way to construct an accurate figure in, say, GeoGebra, for further investigation.