Find the lyapunov function to prove the asymptotic stability

control theorylyapunov-functionsstability-theory

Let's the following non linear system:

determine if the origin is asymptotically stable and in this case if it is globally asymptotically stable.
I have tried to linearized the system but I have obtained two eigenvalues equal to $0$. I have tried to find out an opportune $V$ to prove that the origin is AS but I can't.
Anyone can help me?

Best Answer

There is no asymptotic stability. Taken the system

$$ \cases{ \dot x_1 = x_2\\ \dot x_2 = -x_1^3 } $$

and multiplying by $x_1^3, x_2$ as

$$ \cases{ x_1^3\dot x_1 = x_1^3x_2\\ x_2\dot x_2 = -x_1^3x_2 } $$

and adding we have

$$ \frac 12x_1^4+x_2^2 = C $$

so those orbits characterize a center around the origin.

enter image description here

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