Find the joint probability density function of transformations, the answer incorrect. the mistake

change-of-variabledensity functionprobabilityprobability distributions

Given joint probability density function:

Given transformation: $M=\dfrac{X+Y}{2}$ and $W=\dfrac{X}{2}$, find the joint p.d.f. of $M$ and $W$.

I try as follows.

Since $0<x<y<1$ The range of transformation is
M=\dfrac{X+Y}{2}\geq \dfrac{X}{2}=W,

so $0\leq M\leq 1$, $M\geq W$, and $0\leq W\leq 1$.

The invers of transformation is
$X=2W$ and $Y=2M-2W$.

The absolute value of Jacobian is

The p.d.f. of transformation:

Now, we have
192w(1-2m+2w)&0\leq M\leq 1, M\geq W,\text{ and }0\leq W\leq 1\\

Now I want to check my answer with double integrating joint p.d.f.

\int\limits_{0}^{1}\int\limits_{0}^{m} 192w(1-2m+2w) \,dw\,dm

and the result is $16$.(I use maple)

enter image description here

So we can conclude $g_{M,W}(m,w)$ is not a p.d.f.

Why this is happen? Am I have a mistake with my answer?

Best Answer

You are missing several additional inequalities satsifesd by $m$ and $w$. The given inequalities for $x$ and $y$ are equiavlen to to the following:

$0 \leq m \leq 1$, $0 \leq w \leq \frac 1 2$, $w \leq \frac m 2$, and $m \leq w+\frac 1 2$.

The third inequality comes from $x \leq y$. The last one comes from $y \leq 1$.

[Always make it a point to check if the inequalities you obatined for the new variables are adequate to give the stated inequalities for the original variables].