Find the height of a trapezoid


A trapezoid $ABCD$ is given $(AB$ $||$ $CD)$ with side lengths $AB=18,BC=\sqrt{74},CD=5$ and $AD=\sqrt{61}.$ Find the sines of $\measuredangle A$ and $\measuredangle B.$

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(I have only studied trig functions of acute angles)
Since we are given the four sides of the trapezoid, it is enough to find the height. I am not sure how to approach the problem. If $CP$ is parallel to $AD,$ we can find the area of triangle $PBC$ by Heron's formula (the area of a triangle when the length of all three sides are known) but we still haven't studied it. Can you give me a hint for another solution? Thank you in advance!

Best Answer

First Solution

$PC=AD=\sqrt{61}$, $BC=\sqrt{74}$, $BP=13$

$cos \angle{B}=\frac{74+169-61}{26\sqrt{74}}=\frac{7}{\sqrt{74}}$

$sin \angle{B}=\frac{5}{\sqrt{74}}$

$cos \angle{A}= cos \angle{P}=\frac{61+169-74}{26\sqrt{61}}=\frac{6}{\sqrt{61}}$


Second Solution

Let $AD_1=x, BC_1=13-x, CC_1=DD_1=h$


$x=6, h=5$

Third Solution

$BP=13$ since $AP=CD=5$


Let $PC_1=x$, $BC_1=13-x$, $CC_1=h$


$x=6, h=5$

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