Find the Fourier transform of exponential of two variables

calculusfourier analysis

I have this function of two variables $x$ and $y$:
\exp(-2 \pi^2 \sigma^2 (u^2 + v^2))

How can I compute the Fourier transform of this? I know what to do for the case of only one variable. In that case, we have
\mathcal{F}\{\exp(-2 \pi^2 \sigma^2 x^2)\}
(u) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}} \exp(-\frac{u^2}{2 \sigma^2})

but I cannot get my head around how to compute it for two variables. Can someone help me out? Would be much appreciated.

Bonus info: I am attempting to derive the Fourier transform of a 2D Gaussian 🙂
G(x, y, \sigma) = G(x, \sigma) * G(y, \sigma)

Best Answer

For this particular case it's relatively simple, since we can split the 2D Gaussian into a product of two Gaussians:$$ \mathcal{F}\{\exp(-2 \pi^2 \sigma^2 (x^2+y^2))\} (u,v) = \mathcal{F}\{\exp(-2 \pi^2 \sigma^2 x^2)\} (u)\cdot \mathcal{F}\{\exp(-2 \pi^2 \sigma^2 y^2)\} (v)\\=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}} \exp(-\frac{u^2}{2 \sigma^2})\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}} \exp(-\frac{v^2}{2 \sigma^2})\\=\frac{1}{2\pi\sigma^2} \exp(-\frac{u^2+v^2}{2 \sigma^2}) $$ I suggest you look at this page, in particular the section about separability of the Fourier Transform.