Find the equation of the common tangents

analytic geometryconic sections

Find the equation of the common tangents to the parabola $y^2=4ax$ and $x^2=4by$.

My Attempt :

$y^2=4ax$ is the equation of parabola with focus at $(a,0)$

$x^2=4by$ is the equation of parabola with focus at $(0,b)$

The equation of the tangent to the parabola $y^2=4ax$ is
$$y=mx+\dfrac {a}{m}$$

The equation of the tangent to the parabola $x^2=4by$ is:
$$x=m'y+\dfrac {b}{m'}$$
$$(m')^{2}y – m'x+b=0$$

Best Answer

Let $A(at^2,2at)$ and $B(2bu,bu^2)$ be the points on $C_1:y^2=4ax$ and $C_2:x^2=4by$ respectively.

Equation of tangent of $C_1$ at $A$:

$$\frac{x}{-at^2}+\frac{y}{at}=1 \quad \cdots \cdots \: (1)$$

Equation of tangent of $C_2$ at $B$:

$$\frac{x}{bu}+\frac{y}{-bu^2}=1 \quad \cdots \cdots \: (2)$$ Comparing $(1)$ and $(2)$,

$$ \left \{ \begin{array}{rcl} -at^2 &=& bu \\ at &=& -bu^2 \\ \end{array} \right.$$

On solving,


The common tangent is


$$\fbox{$\sqrt[3]{a}\, x+\sqrt[3]{b} \, y+\sqrt[3]{a^2 b^2}=0$}$$