Find the distance along a sphere from an angle


Imagine there are two points on planet Earth and a light is shone from one to the other by reflecting off an object 500km up (think of this as a mirror oriented parallel to the surface right below it). Let us assume the Earth is a perfect sphere. As the distance between the points increases, the angle that the light is received at increases with a limit of 90 degrees which corresponds to a tangent of the sphere. I would like to know how far apart the two points along the sphere are as a function of this angle.

To try to solve it I first notice that the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection. So we can draw an isosceles triangle with the reflector at the top and the two points as the other two vertices. The height of the triangle is a function of how far apart the two points are. But now I am stuck.

The radius of the Earth is 6371km.

Best Answer

I interpreted the problem as asking for a function that, for general $R$ and $h$, gives the distance between the two points for any reflection angle (i.e., not only for the case in which the beams are tangent), and allows to calculate the maximal reflection angle and the maximal distance. This function can then be used to calculate the maximal angle and the maximal distance in the specific scenario provided in the OP, with $R=6371$ Km and $h=500$ Km.

Let us consider the Earth circumference as represented by the circle $x^2+y^2=R^2$, with the center in the origin and where $R=6371$. We can place our object in $A(0,R+h)$ on the $y$-axis, representing a point that is $h$ Km up the Earth surface.

Now let us draw two lines passing through $A$, symmetric with respect to the $y$-axis and intersecting the circumference. For each line, let us consider the intersection point that is nearer to the $y$-axis. Let us call the two new points $B$ (in the first quadrant) and $C$ (in the second quadrant). These represent the two points on Earth surface.

enter image description here

Due to the symmetry of the construction, we can continue by analyzing only one of these two points, e.g. $C$. The equation of the line containing $AC$ can be written as $y=sx+R+h$, where $s$ is its positive slope. To determine where this line crosses the circumference, we can set


whose solutions are

$$x=\frac{-sR-sh \pm \sqrt{\Delta}}{s^2 + 1}$$

where $\Delta=s^2 R^2 - 2h R - h^2$.

As stated above, we are interested in the less negative solution for $x$, as it is that nearer to the $y$-axis. So we get that the $x$-coordinate of $C$ is

$$X_C=\frac{-sR-sh + \sqrt{\Delta}}{s^2 + 1}$$

and the $y$-coordinate is

$$Y_C=\frac{s(-sR-sh + \sqrt{\Delta})}{s^2 + 1}+R+h$$

As a result, the equation $y=tx$ of the line $OC$ has slope


Now setting $\angle{BAC}=\alpha$ and $\angle{BOC}=\beta$, we have $s=\cot(\alpha/2)$ and $t=-\cot(\beta/2)$.

Thus, we get

$$ \cot(\beta/2) =\frac{(\cot^2(\alpha/2)+1)(R+h)}{\cot(\alpha/2)(R+h)-\sqrt{\Delta}} - \cot(\alpha/2)$$

and then

$$ \beta =2\cot^{-1}\left[\frac{(\cot^2(\alpha/2)+1)(R+h)}{\cot(\alpha/2)(R+h)-\sqrt{\Delta}} - \cot(\alpha/2)\right] $$

So the length of the arc $D$ corresponding to $ \beta$, which is the distance along the spherical surface asked in the OP, is

$$ D =2R\cot^{-1}\left[\frac{(\cot^2(\alpha/2)+1)(R+h)}{\cot(\alpha/2)(R+h)-\sqrt{\Delta}} - \cot(\alpha/2)\right] $$

where $\Delta=\cot^2(\alpha/2)R^2 - 2h R - h^2$.

The last equation can be simplified as

$$ D =2R\cot^{-1}\left[\frac{(R+h)+\sqrt{\Delta}}{\cot(\alpha/2)(R+h)-\sqrt{\Delta}} \right] $$

For example, for $\alpha=\pi/2$ and $h= (\sqrt{2}-1)R$, as expected we have $\Delta=0$ (this is the situation where $\alpha$ is a right angle and the light beams are tangent to the surface). In this case, $\beta$ is also a right angle and $D=\pi/2\,R$. Accordingly the formula above gives this result, as shown by WA here.

For any value of $R$ and $h$, the maximal angle $\alpha_{max}$ and the maximal distance $D_{max}$ (i.e., those obtained with the beams tangent to the surface) can be determined by considering the case in which $\Delta=0$. This case occurs when $\cot^2(\alpha/2)R^2 - 2h R - h^2=0$. Solving for $\alpha$ in the range $0 \leq \alpha \leq \pi$ we get

$$\alpha_{max} = 2 \cot^{-1}\left(\frac{\sqrt{h(h+2R)}}{R}\right)$$

Interestingly, when $\Delta=0$, the formula for the distance is considerably simplified, and by few calculations reduces to

$$ D_{max} =2R\cot^{-1}\left[\tan(\alpha/2)\right] $$

As shown here, in the specific scenario described in the OP, substituting $R=6371$ and $h=500$, we get

$$\alpha= 2 \cot^{-1}\left(\frac{10 \sqrt{66210}}{6371}\right) \approx 2.3739 \,\,\text{radians}$$

which corresponds to about $136$ degrees. Here is the plot of the distance $D$ (in Km) as a function of $\alpha$ (in radians) for $R=6371$ and $h=500$, as obtained by WA. The plot confirms the maximal real value of $\alpha$, concordant with the predicted value of $2.3739$. The blue and red lines indicate the real and imaginary part, respectively.

enter image description here

Lastly, from the simplified formula for the maximal distance, taking $R=6371$ and $\alpha=2.3739$, we get

$$D_{max}\approx 4891 \, \text{Km}$$

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