Find the coordinates of a point in a triangle if the other 2 points coordinates and length between them are known

analytic geometrygeometrytriangles

Right angle triangle

I have a simple right-angle triangle $\triangle ABC$. I know the coordinates of $B$ and $C$ and the distances $AB = c$, $AC = b$ and $BC = a$. How can I find the coordinates of point $A$. For example, if $B = (4,3)$ and $C = (4,0)$ and the distance from A to B is $5$, how can I get the coordinates of $A$, which in this case $A = (0,0)$.


The $AC$ and $BC$ Wont always be parallel to the $x$ and $y$ axis respectively

Best Answer


You can compute the distance $BC = \sqrt{\left(x_c - x_b\right)^2 + \left(y_c - y_b\right)^2}$, where $B = \left(x_b, y_b\right)$, and $C = \left(x_c, y_c\right)$. Because you now know $AB$ and $BC$, you can find the third length $AC$ with the help of the Pythagora's Theorem, i.e., $AC = \sqrt{AB^2 - BC^2}$. Finally, let $A = (x_a, y_a)$. Then, $$\begin{align}AC &= \sqrt{\left(x_c - x_a\right)^2 + \left(y_c - y_a\right)^2}\tag{1}\\AB &= \sqrt{\left(x_b - x_a\right)^2 + \left(y_b - y_a\right)^2}\tag{2}\end{align}$$ Solve the equations simultaneously to get the values for variables $x_a$ and $y_a$.

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