Find the Big-O of this function: $\ 2^{\log_2(n)^4} $


The definition of Big-O is
$$u_n = O(v_n) \iff (\exists c \in \mathbb{R}^{*})\,\, (\exists N \in \mathbb{N}) \,\, n > N \implies u_n < c \, v_n$$

Based on that I am trying to find the upper bound for this function
$\ 2^{\log_2(n)^4} $, but I have no idea how to continue.

It seems legit to me though that $\ 2^{\log_2(n)^4} $ = O($\ 2^{\log(n)^4} $)

Is there a way to simplify this Big-O even more? E.g could we say that O($\ 2^{\log(n)^4} $) = O($\ 2^{\log(n)} $)

Best Answer

What they probably mean is $\left(2^{\log_2 n}\right)^4$. Because $2^{\log_2 n}=n$ this simplifies to $n^4$. The conventional way to read $a^{b^c}$ is $a^{(b^c)}$, which in your case would mean the function is $2^{\left((\log_2 n)^4\right)}=n^{\left((\log_2 n)^3\right)}$ This grows faster than any polynomial.

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