Geometry – Find the Angle x in the Regular Octagon


In the plane figure below, we have a regular octagon $ABCDEFGH$, and I belongs to the diagonal $CG$, so that $\angle GIH = 30°$. Knowing this, determine in degrees the value of the angle indicated by x.(S:$75^o$)

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$a_i=\frac{180.(8-2)}{8} = 135^o $

$\angle IGH = \frac{135} {2}=67,5^o \implies\angle IHG = 82,5^o$

$\angle AHB = \frac{180-135}{2}=22,5^o \implies \angle BHI =135 – 82,5-22,5 = 30^o \cong \angle GIH$

enter image description here

I'm missing a relationship to finish that I didn't find

Best Answer

Draw $IF$ and $HF$ and by symmetry you have an equilateral triangle so $HI=HF=HB$ so you have an isosceles $\triangle {BHI}$ with 30 degrees in the apex and thus $75$ degrees in the base angles.