Find the $26^{th}$ digit of a $50$ digit number divisible by $13$.


$N$ is a $50$ digit number (in the decimal scale). All digits except the $26^{th}$ digit (from the left)
are $1$. If $N$ is divisible by $13$, find the $26^{th}$ digit.

This question was asked in RMO $1990$ and is very similar to this question and the same as this question but it is not solved by the approach used by me whereas I want to verify my approach.

My approach:

Suppose $N=111\cdots a\cdots111$ and $N\equiv 0\pmod {13}$

Now $N=10^{49}+10^{48}+\ldots+a10^{24}+\ldots+10+1=(10^{49}+10^{48}\ldots+10+1)+(a-1)10^{24}$


Now $10^{12}\equiv 1\pmod {13}\Rightarrow 10^{24}\equiv 1\pmod {13}$ by fermat's little theorem.

Thus $(a-1)10^{24}\equiv (a-1) \pmod{13}\Rightarrow \dfrac{10^{50}-1}{9}\equiv 1-a\pmod{13}$ since $N\equiv 0\pmod{13}$

$10^{24}\equiv 1\pmod{13}\Rightarrow 10^{48}\equiv 1\pmod{13}$ or $10^{50}-1\equiv -5 \pmod{13}$

Now $10^{50}-1\equiv -5\pmod {13}\Rightarrow 9(1-a)\equiv -5\pmod{13}$

$a=3$ clearly satisfies the above conditions

$\therefore$ The $26^{th}$ digit from the left must be $3$.

Please suggest what is incorrect in this solution and advice for alternative solutions.


Best Answer

$10^{50}$ is a 51-digit number. And in a 50-digit number, the digit 26th from the left is represented by $10^{24}$.

Other than these two mistakes, I find your approach entirely reasonable. And if they were looking for a 51-digit number, with all except the 25th digit from the left being $1$, then it would've been correct too.

Edit: After having corrected these two off-by-one errors, the solution looks fine.

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