Find the 2 coordinates of the 2 control points of a Bezier curve which is an arc of a circle.


I've been searching all day on this topic and I could not figure it out. Hopefully someone is able to dumb it down to my very practical level.

I want to draw an arc. I know the following information:

  • Coordinates of Point A: A.x, A.y
  • Coordinates of Point B: B.x, B.y
  • Coordinate of the center of the circle: 0,0
  • The circle Radius: R;

The challenge:
I draw my curve with 2 Bezier control points: CA.x, CA.y, CB.x, CB.y.
I was able to draw curves for various senarios, but not to find a set of equations that works for any angle in the range of [-360, 360]

Here's where I'm at:

tmp1 = (B.x * A.x) + (B.y * A.y)
tmp2 = ((B.x ^ 2 + B.y ^ 2) * (A.x ^ 2 + A.y ^ 2)) ^ 0.5
RadianAngle = Acos(tmp1 / tmp2)

'Find the directionality of the rotation
D = (A.x * B.y) - (B.x * A.y)
If D < 0 Then
    RadianAngle  = 0 - RadianAngle 
End If

R = 384 ' Calculation code trunkcated for consision

'Up to this point the angle seems to be calculated properly

L = ((4 * R) / 3) * Tan(RadianAngle  / 4)

'Calculate Tengant vectors for points A and B
T1 = Atan2(A.x, A.y)
T2 = Atan2(B.x, B.y)

CA.x = (A.x + L * T1)
CA.y = (A.y + L * T1) 

CB.x = (B.x - L * T2) 
CB.y = (B.y - L * T2) 

Debug values at runtime:

A.x = -384
A.y = 0
B.x = -192
B.y = -332.5537

R = 384

tmp1 = 73727.99
tmp2 = 147456

A = 1.047198 '(60 degrees)
L = 137.19
T1 = 3.141592
T2 = -2.094395

CA.x = 46.99507
CA.y = 430.9951
CB.x = 95.33011
CB.y = -45.22363

I would expect both control points to be negative, most likely somewhere between A and B given there is only 60 degrees between both points.

I've tried to follow the answers:

… but my success has been very limited and I was not able to implement a working solution

I don't need high precision, this is just to draw a sketch in Excel.

I found this solution, which seems a lot lenghtier than everything else I see, but it seems to be working ok-ish, until it gets to values near 3/4 of the circle in which case the arc becomes difformed:

I'm still be interested in a more robust algorithm.

Best Answer

For this question, I will explain in $\mathbb{R}^3$ at first. To apply to $\mathbb{R}^{2}$ just cut off the third term.

I will divide this answer in two parts:

  1. The first one with an exact representation of a circular arc,
  2. and the second by approximating the shape from the first part by using Bezier curves
  • First part: Generalities on $\mathbb{R}^{3}$:

    Let $\mathbf{A}$ and $\mathbf{B}$ two non-coincident points of a circle on $\mathbb{R}^{3}$ which center is $\mathbf{O} \in \mathbb{R}^{3}$ and radius $R$.

    $$\|\mathbf{A}-\mathbf{O}\| = R \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \|\mathbf{B}-\mathbf{O}\| = R$$

    There are two unit vectors $\mathbf{u}$ and $\mathbf{v}$ such that it's possible to describe all the points $\mathbf{Q}$ of a circle.

    $$\mathbf{Q}(\theta) = \mathbf{O} + \mathbf{u} \cdot R\cos \theta + \mathbf{v} \cdot R\sin \theta$$

    For convinience, we say that $\mathbf{Q}(0) = \mathbf{A}$, and $\mathbf{Q}(\theta_0) = \mathbf{B}$

    $$\begin{align}\mathbf{A} = \mathbf{Q}(0) & = \mathbf{O} + \mathbf{u} \cdot R \cdot \cos 0 \\ \mathbf{B} = \mathbf{Q}(\theta_0) & = \mathbf{O} + \mathbf{u} \cdot R \cdot \cos \theta_0 + \mathbf{v} \cdot R \cdot \sin \theta_0\end{align}$$

    The angle $\theta_0$ is the angle between $\mathbf{A}-\mathbf{O}$ and $\mathbf{B}-\mathbf{O}$:

    $$\underbrace{\|\mathbf{A}-\mathbf{O}\|}_{R} \cdot \underbrace{\|\mathbf{B}-\mathbf{O}\|}_{R}\cdot \cos(\theta_0) = \left\langle \mathbf{A}-\mathbf{O}, \mathbf{B}-\mathbf{O} \ \right\rangle$$

    As $\cos \theta$ is an even function, there's no sense of direction: If it's clockwise or counter-clockwise. It also causes confusion cause $\arccos$ function maps $\left[-1, \ 1\right] \to \left[0, \ \pi\right]$

    For the next step, we say the arc will always begin from $\mathbf{A}$ and go to $\mathbf{B}$.

    Example 1: Counter-clockwise

    Let $\mathbf{A} = (1, \ 0, \ 0)$, $\mathbf{B}=\left(\dfrac{1}{2}, \ \dfrac{\sqrt{3}}{2}, \ 0\right)$ and $\mathbf{O}=(0, \ 0, \ 0)$ $$\cos \theta_0 = \dfrac{1}{2}$$ Seeing the plane $xy$, if it's clockwise: $$\theta_0 = \dfrac{5\pi}{3}$$ If it's counter-clockwise: $$\theta_0 = \dfrac{\pi}{3}$$

    Example 2: Clockwise

    Let $\mathbf{A} = (1, \ 0, \ 0)$, $\mathbf{B}=\left(\dfrac{1}{2}, \ \dfrac{-\sqrt{3}}{2}, \ 0\right)$ and $\mathbf{O}=(0, \ 0, \ 0)$ $$\cos \theta_0 = \dfrac{\pi}{3}$$ Seeing the plane $xy$, if it's clockwise: $$\theta_0 = \dfrac{\pi}{3}$$ If it's counter-clockwise: $$\theta_0 = \dfrac{5\pi}{3}$$

    Example 3: 180 degrees

    Let $\mathbf{A} = (1, \ 0, \ 0)$, $\mathbf{B}=\left(-1, \ 0, \ 0\right)$ and $\mathbf{O}=(0, \ 0, \ 0)$ $$\cos \theta_0 = -1 $$ Seeing the plane $xy$, it's $\theta_0 = \pi$ clockwise or counter-clockwise

    To specify it, we use the vector $\vec{n}$ which relates to the 'axis' or the circle, and the vectors $\vec{u}$ and $\vec{v}$.

    $$\mathbf{u} = \dfrac{\mathbf{A}-\mathbf{O}}{\|\mathbf{A}-\mathbf{O}\|}$$ $$\mathbf{V} = (\mathbf{B}-\mathbf{O}) - \mathbf{u} \cdot \langle \mathbf{B}-\mathbf{O}, \ \mathbf{u}\rangle$$ $$\mathbf{v} = \dfrac{\mathbf{V}}{\|\mathbf{V}\|}$$ $$\mathbf{n} = \mathbf{u} \times \mathbf{v}$$

    In $\mathbb{R}^2$, if $\mathbf{n} = (0, \ 0, \ 1)$ then it's counter-clockwise, if $\mathbf{n} = (0, \ 0, \ -1)$, then it's clockwise.

    Then, to draw an arc, one can do

    • Define $\mathbf{n}$, unit vector, to say if it's clockwise or counter-clockwise
    • Compute $\mathbf{U} = \mathbf{A}-\mathbf{O}$
    • Compute the radius $R$ by taking the norm $L_2$ of $\mathbf{U}$
    • Compute $\mathbf{u}$ by diving $\mathbf{U}$ by the radius $R$
    • Compute $\mathbf{v} = \mathbf{n} \times \mathbf{u}$
    • Compute $\theta_0 = \arctan_{2}(\langle \mathbf{B}-\mathbf{O}, \ \mathbf{v}\rangle, \ \langle \mathbf{B}-\mathbf{O}, \ \mathbf{u}\rangle)$

    Take care if $\theta_0$ is negative. It's expected to get $\theta_0 \in \left[0, \ 2\pi\right)$

    • For every $\theta \in \left[0, \ \theta_0\right]$ compute the point $\mathbf{Q}$: $$\mathbf{Q}(\theta) = \mathbf{O} + \mathbf{u} \cdot R\cos \theta + \mathbf{v} \cdot R\sin \theta$$
    import numpy as np
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    A = np.array([1., 0., 0.])
    B = np.array([0., 1., 0.])
    O = np.array([0., 0., 0.])
    n = np.array([0., 0., -1.])
    U = A-O
    R = np.linalg.norm(U)
    u = U/R
    v = np.cross(n, u)
    t0 = np.arctan2(np.inner(B-O, v), np.inner(B-O, u))
    if t0 < 0:
         t0 += 2*np.pi
    print("u = ", u)
    print("v = ", v)
    print("n = ", n)
    print(f"t0 = {t0:.2f} rad = {(180*t0/np.pi):.1f} deg")
    theta = np.linspace(0, t0, 1025)
    px = O[0] + u[0]*R*np.cos(theta) + v[0]*R*np.sin(theta)
    py = O[1] + u[1]*R*np.cos(theta) + v[1]*R*np.sin(theta)
    plt.plot(px, py)
  • Second part: Bezier curve:

    A Bezier curve $\mathbf{C}$ is given by a parameter $u \in \left[0, \ 1\right]$ and by $(n+1)$ control points $\mathbf{P}_i$

    $$\mathbf{C}(u) = \sum_{i=0}^{n} B_{i}(u) \cdot \mathbf{P}_i$$ $$B_i(u) = \binom{n}{i} \left(1-u\right)^{n-i} \cdot u^{i}$$

    There is no way to describe a circular path by using Bezier curves. To do it exactly, it's necessary to use Rational polynomial functions (NURBS). For example, a $1/4$ circle is given by

    $$\begin{align}\mathbf{C}(u) & = \left(\dfrac{1-u^2}{1+u^2}, \ \dfrac{2u}{1+u^2}, \ 0\right) = \sum_{i=0}^{2} R_{i2}(u) \cdot \mathbf{P}_i \\ & = \underbrace{\dfrac{(1-u)^2}{1+u^2}}_{R_{02}} \cdot \underbrace{\left(1, \ 0, \ 0\right)}_{\mathbf{P}_0} + \underbrace{\dfrac{2u(1-u)}{1+u^2}}_{R_{12}} \cdot \underbrace{\left(1, \ 1, \ 0\right)}_{\mathbf{P}_1} + \underbrace{\dfrac{2u^2}{1+u^2}}_{R_{22}} \cdot \underbrace{\left(0, \ 1, \ 0\right) }_{\mathbf{P}_0}\end{align}$$

    Although there's no way to do it by using Bezier curves, we can get an approximate shape. The question becomes how to get the $n+1$ control point of Bezier curve.

    The first information is the curve $\mathbf{C}$'s extremities must be $\mathbf{A}$ and $\mathbf{B}$:

    $$\begin{align}\mathbf{A} & = \mathbf{C}(0) \Rightarrow \mathbf{P}_0 = \mathbf{A} \\ \mathbf{B} & = \mathbf{C}(1) \Rightarrow \mathbf{P}_{n} = \mathbf{B}\end{align}$$

    and set

    $$\theta = u \cdot \theta_0$$

    1. One way of doing it is by computing the tangent vector at the extremities when $n=3$:

    $$\begin{align}\left[\dfrac{d\mathbf{C}(u)}{du}\right]_{u=0} & = 3\left(\mathbf{P}_1 - \mathbf{P}_0\right) \\ \left[\dfrac{d\mathbf{C}(u)}{du}\right]_{u=1} & = 3\left(\mathbf{P}_3 - \mathbf{P}_2\right) \end{align}$$ $$\begin{align}\left[\dfrac{d\mathbf{Q}(\theta)}{d\theta}\right]_{\theta=0} & = R \cdot \mathbf{v} \\ \left[\dfrac{d\mathbf{Q}(\theta)}{d\theta}\right]_{\theta=\theta_0} & = R \cdot \mathbf{v} \cos \theta_0 - R \cdot \mathbf{u} \cdot \sin \theta_0\end{align}$$

    Now set $$\begin{align}\mathbf{C}'(0) & = \theta_0 \cdot \mathbf{Q}'(0) \\ \mathbf{C}'(1) & = \theta_0 \cdot \mathbf{Q}'(\theta_0)\end{align}$$

    To get

    $$\begin{align}\mathbf{P}_1 & = \mathbf{A} + \dfrac{\theta_0 R}{3} \cdot \mathbf{v} \\ \mathbf{P}_2 & = \mathbf{B} + \dfrac{\theta_0 R}{3}\left(\mathbf{u} \cdot \sin \theta_0 - \mathbf{v} \cdot \cos \theta_0 \right) \end{align}$$

    1. Using the integral by least square

    Let $\mathbf{D}(u)$ be the distance between the curve $\mathbf{Q}(\theta) = \mathbf{Q}(\theta_0 \cdot u)$ and $\mathbf{C}(u)$. Then, the objective is to reduce the function $J(\mathbf{P}_i)$:

    $$J(\mathbf{P}) = \int_{0}^{1} \|\mathbf{D}\|^2 \ du = \int_{0}^{1} \ \langle \mathbf{D}, \ \mathbf{D}\rangle \ du$$

    Then getting the system of equations $\dfrac{\partial J}{\partial \mathbf{P}_i} = 0 \ \ \forall i$ and solving it.

I made a python code to plot the result for $\mathbf{A}=(1, \ 0, \ 0)$, $\mathbf{B}=\left(\frac{-1}{2}, \ \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}, \ 0\right)$, $\mathbf{C} = \left(0, \ 0, \ 0\right)$ and $\mathbf{n}=\left(0, \ 0, \ -1\right)$

enter image description here

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

# Initial configuration
A = np.array([1., 0., 0.])
B = np.array([-0.5, np.sqrt(3)/2, 0.])
O = np.array([0., 0., 0.])
n = np.array([0., 0., -1.])

# Computing basics
U = A-O
R = np.linalg.norm(U)
u = U/R
v = np.cross(n, u)
t0 = np.arctan2(np.inner(B-O, v), np.inner(B-O, u))
if t0 < 0:
    t0 += 2*np.pi

# Computing exact curve
theta = np.linspace(0, t0, 1025)
px = O[0] + u[0]*R*np.cos(theta) + v[0]*R*np.sin(theta)
py = O[1] + u[1]*R*np.cos(theta) + v[1]*R*np.sin(theta)
plt.plot(px, py, label="exact")

# Computing bezier curve, by tangents
P = np.array([A, A + t0*R*v/3, B + (t0*R/3)*(u*np.sin(t0)-v*np.cos(t0)), B])
uplot = np.linspace(0, 1, 1025)
Bez = [(1-uplot)**3, 3*uplot*(1-uplot)**2, 3*(1-uplot)*uplot**2, uplot**3]
Cx = sum([Bez[i]*P[i, 0] for i in range(4)])
Cy = sum([Bez[i]*P[i, 1] for i in range(4)])
plt.plot(Cx, Cy, label="bezier")

# Showing results


For the 2D case:

As said before, for the 2D case we can only ignore the third component. Then, the only difference is on computing the $\mathbf{v}$:

  • If clockwise: $$\mathbf{v}=(u_y, \ -u_x)$$

  • If counter-clockwise: $$\mathbf{v}=(-u_y, \ u_x)$$

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