Find reduction formula for this integral


So, I'm practicing reduction formula and so I searched wikipedia for some integrals. I came across this one and even after trying it for hours,I couldn't find a reduction formula for it.

$$\int\frac{dx}{{[{ax+b}]^{m}}{{[p x+q}]^{n}}}$$

I have no clue how to do it. I tried integration by parts but it was useless.
Answer is in this link in the tables of integral reduction. I would've pasted the answer but couldn't because my phone is not supporting it. Any hint is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

WLOG, $a=c=1$. By parts,

$$\int\frac{dx}{(x+b)^m(x+d)^n}= \\-\frac1{(m-1)(x+b)^{m-1}(x+d)^n}-\frac{n}{m-1}\int\frac{dx}{(x+b)^{m-1}(x+d)^{n+1}}.$$

Notice that $m$ decreases. When it reaches $1$, you have


The first terms integrates immediately and the second is reduced.

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