Find R in a Finite Geometric Series


Given a s and the amount of terms n, is it possible to find the common ratio of a finite geometric series?

$$\sum_{i=1}^n r^i = s$$

I've been able to solve the equation up to

$$\frac{r^{n+1} – r}{r-1} = s$$

but I have no idea how to reduce this further an a way a computer can understand. The closest answer(Geometric series : Find common ration 'r') I can find is to approximate the solution to
But this number is way to inaccurate for my use case. Since wolfram alpha seems to be able to solve these types of problems, I am hoping there is some simple formula I can use to get the answer I need or at least a better approximation.

Best Answer

As you properly wrote it, you end with a polynomial of degree $n+1$ which cannot be solved analytically if $n >4$.

So, you need a numerical method (Newton being probably the simplest).

Consider that you are looking for the zero of function $$f(r)=r^{n+1}- (s+1)r+s$$ for which $$f'(r)=(n+1)r^n-(s+1)\qquad \text{and} \qquad f''(r)=n(n+1)r^{n-1}$$ The first derivative cancels at $$r_*=\left(\frac{s+1}{n+1}\right)^{\frac{1}{n}}$$ which corresponds to a minimum (by the second derivative test).

To get an estimate, use a Taylor expansion around this point and, solving, use $$r_0=r_*+\sqrt{-2\frac{f(r_*)}{f''(r_*)}}$$ and Newton iterates wil be $$r_{n+1}=r_n-\frac{f(r_n)}{f'(r_n)}$$

Let us try for $n=20$ and $s=123456789$. The iterates are $$\left( \begin{array}{cc} n & r_n \\ 0 & 2.66442 \\ 1 & 2.56586 \\ 2 & 2.50137 \\ 3 & 2.47667 \\ 4 & 2.47363 \\ 5 & 2.47359 \end{array} \right)$$

Comparing Newton, Halley and Householder iterates $$\left( \begin{array}{cccc} n & \text{Newton} & \text{Halley} & \text{Householder} \\ 0 & 2.6644202 & 2.6644202 & 2.6644202 \\ 1 & 2.5658566 & 2.5062787 & 2.4809286 \\ 2 & 2.5013675 & 2.4738521 & 2.4735928 \\ 3 & 2.4766670 & 2.4735928 & \\ 4 & 2.4736339 & & \\ 5 & 2.4735928 & & \end{array} \right)$$