Find positive real number x that satisfies $2001=x\lfloor x\lfloor x\lfloor x\rfloor\rfloor\rfloor$


$$2001=x\lfloor x\lfloor x\lfloor x\rfloor\rfloor\rfloor\\
(x>0 ,x\in\mathbb R)$$

find $x$ that satisfies the expression above.
My attempt
Since $$(x+1)^4\gt\text{(right side of the expression given)}\geq x^4\\
7\gt x\geq6$$

And, $\frac{2001}x$ needs to be a integer.
If $x$ is not a rational number, $\frac{2001}x$ is not a integer.
So, $x$ can be thought as $\frac ab(a,b\in\mathbb Z,a|2001)$
But, I failed to go further.

Best Answer

By letting $f(x)=x\lfloor x\lfloor x \lfloor x\rfloor\rfloor\rfloor $ we have $$ \lim_{x\to 7^-}f(x) = 7(7(7(7 - 1) - 1) - 1) = 2002 $$ and in a left neighbourhood of $x=7$ our function is a linear function with derivative $(7(7(7 - 1) - 1) - 1)=286.$ Since $f$ is increasing, the problem boils down to solving $$ 286(x-7)+2002 = 2001 $$ which leads to $x=\frac{2001}{286}$.

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