Find parametric equations in the parameter $t$, where $0 \leq t \leq 2\pi$, for the circle $x^2 + y^2 = r^2$


My precalculus final exam is tomorrow, but I don't understand how to solve this question. Especially, I don't understand "tracing and direction of $t$".

Find parametric equations in the parameter $t$, where $0 \leq t \leq 2\pi$, for the circle $x^2 + y^2 = r^2$ that is traced as described:

a. Once around, counterclockwise, starting at $(r, 0)$

b. Twice around, counterclockwise, starting at $(r, 0)$

c. Three times around, counterclockwise, starting at
$(−r, 0)$

d. Twice around, clockwise, starting at $(0,r)$

e. Three times around, clockwise, starting at $(0,r)$

Best Answer

Let: $$x = r\cos(t)$$ $$y = r\sin(t)$$

Then, $$x^2+y^2 = \left(r\cos(t)\right)^2 + \left(r\sin(t)\right)^2$$ $$ = r^2\left(cos(t)^2 + sin(t)^2\right)$$ $$ = r^2$$ (Since $cos(t)^2 + sin(t)^2 = 1$)

Therefore, $$x = r\cos(t)$$ $$y = r\sin(t)$$ is a parametric description of the circle centered about the origin. This is the standard parameterization.

If you let t = 0 then $x=1$ and $y=0$. As you increase t, you will move along the circle in a counterclockwise sense. You can convince yourself of this by calculating x and y for increasing values of t and plotting them. (Also most graphing calculator will plot parametric equations for you and you will be able to see this as well). This website can also plot parametric equations.

With respect to the question of tracing and direction. Imagine that for set of parametric equations given already you held your pencil down and 'traced' the curve described by continuously increasing the value of t. This is of course the circle. And as described above this will happen in a counterclockwise sense. If you replace t by -t in the set of parametric equations you would find that you trace the circle in the clockwise direction, that is in the opposite sense. Again the easiest way to see this is to plot the curve described by the parametric equations.

Each of a, b, c, d, and e can be answered by modifying the original parametric equation for the circle by adding the extra parameters a and b: $$x = r\cos(at+b)$$ $$y = r\sin(at+b)$$

The parameter 'a' controls how 'fast' you trace around the circle and the parameter 'b' controls the starting position. In fact, if you let a = 2, you will trace around the circle twice. If you let a = 3 you will trace around the circle 3 times. Etc. If b = 0 then you will start at the right side of the circle; if you replace b by $\pi/2$ you will start at the top of the circle; if you replace b by $\pi$ you will start at the left side of the circle; or if you replace b by $3\pi/2$, the bottom of the circle.