Find parameter for intersection of ellipse with vertical or horizontal line


So I've got parametric ellipse equasion like in this post: What is the parametric equation of a rotated Ellipse (given the angle of rotation)

$$x(\alpha) = R_x \cos(\alpha) \cos(\theta) – R_y \sin(\alpha) \sin(\theta) + C_x \\
y(\alpha) = R_x \cos(\alpha) \sin(\theta) + R_y \sin(\alpha) \cos(\theta) + C_y$$

My question is how to find all $\alpha$ values for which ellipse intersects given vertical or horizontal line, e.g. $x=1$ or $y=2$.?

Best Answer

You’ve got an equation of the form $A\cos\alpha+B\sin\alpha = C$, so you could solve it directly, getting an unpleasant-looking expression involving $\arcsin$ and $\arctan$. However, you can take advantage of the fact that you’re working with a scaled and translated ellipse for a potentially simpler solution.

The parameterization that you’ve got in your question can be viewed as the unit circle $(\cos\alpha,\sin\alpha)$ scaled, rotated and translated. So, if you undo this transformation, the problem is reduced to finding the intersection of a line with the unit circle. Specifically, the line $x=h$ back-maps to $(R_x\cos\theta)x-(R_y\sin\theta)y+C_x=h$, while the line $y=k$ back-maps to $(R_x\sin\theta)x+(R_y\cos\theta)y+C_y=k$.