Find Maxima and Minima of $f( \theta) = a \sin^2 \theta + b \sin \theta \cos \theta + c \cos^2 \theta$

cauchy-schwarz-inequalitylagrange multipliermaxima-minimaoptimizationtrigonometry

Show that, whatever the value of $\theta$, the expression

$$a \sin^2 \theta + b \sin \theta \cos \theta + c \cos^2 \theta\ $$

Lies between

$$\dfrac{a+c}{2} \pm \dfrac 12\sqrt{ b^2 + (a-c)^2} $$

My try:

The given expression can be reduced as sum of sine functions as:

$$(a-c) \sin^2 \theta + \dfrac b2 \sin 2 \theta + c \tag{*} $$

Now, there is one way to take everything as a function of $\theta$ and get the expression in the form of $ a \sin \theta + b \cos \theta = c$ and dividing it by $ \sqrt{ a^2 + c^2} $ both sides, but square in sine function is a big problem, also both have different arguments.

Other way, I can think of is taking $ \tan \dfrac \theta 2 = t$ and getting sine and cosine function as $ \sin \theta = \dfrac{ 2t}{1+t^2} $ while cosine function as $ \dfrac{ 1-t^2} {1+t^2}$ solving. So getting $(*)$ as a function of $t$, and simplifying we get,

$$ f(t) = \dfrac{2 Rt + 2 R t^3 + R_0 t – R_0 t^3}{1+t^4 + 2t^2} + c\tag{1}$$

For $R_0 = 2b, R = (a-c)$ , but this is where the problem kicks in!, The Range of given fraction seems $ (-\infty,+ \infty)$ and is not bounded!

So what's the problem here? Can it be solved?

Thanks 🙂

Edit : I'd like to thank @kaviramamurthy for pointing out that as $t \rightarrow \pm \infty, f(t) \rightarrow c$. That's a mistake here.

Best Answer

By the double angle formulas, the expression is equivalent to


Now the expression $(a-c)\cos2\theta+b\sin2\theta$ can be seen as the dot product of a vector with a rotating unit vector, which takes its extreme values when the vectors are parallel or antiparallel, giving


The same result can be obtained by differentiation, or by reducing to the sine addition formula.

Yet another way is by finding the extrema of $(a-c)x+by$ under the constraint $x^2+y^2=1$. Using a Lagrange multiplier, the equations are

$$\begin{cases}x^2+y^2&=1,\\a-c&=2\lambda x,\\b&=2\lambda y,\end{cases}$$

easily giving


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