Find limits and co-limits of diagrams over Vector

category-theorylimits-colimitslinear algebraquotient-spaces

I am having trouble understanding how to find limits and colimits of specific diagrams over the category of finite dimension vector spaces. I understand the definitions of cones, terminal objects, limits and colimits of diagrams as well as what it means for a diagram to commute. However I am unable to solve the following problem.

I need to find the limit and colimit of the following diagram:

\mathbb{R}^2 \\
\mathbb{R}^2 @>g>> \mathbb{R}^2\\
\circlearrowright h

where $f = \begin{bmatrix}1 & 0\\1 & 1\end{bmatrix}$, $g = \begin{bmatrix}2 & 0\\0 & 0\end{bmatrix}$ and $h = \begin{bmatrix}0 & 0\\0 & 2\end{bmatrix}$

I understand that to find the limit, I need to find a vector space $V$ along with morphisms $v_1$, $v_2$ and $v_3$ such that the diagram commutes and that such a cone is the terminal object in the category of all commuting cones.

\mathbb{R}^2 @<v_1<< V\\
@AfAA \swarrow v_2 @VVv_3V\\
\mathbb{R}^2 @>g>> \mathbb{R}^2\\
\circlearrowright h

I know that for commutativity we need $v_2 = h \circ v_2$, $v_1 = f \circ v_2$ and $v_3 = g \circ v_2$.

The colimit would be:

\mathbb{R}^2 @>w_1>> W\\
@AfAA \nearrow w_2 @AAw_3A\\
\mathbb{R}^2 @>g>> \mathbb{R}^2\\
\circlearrowright h

My professor has given hints that to find the limit I should start with the product of all objects in the diagram and create a quotient space $V= \frac{\mathbb{R}^2 \times \mathbb{R}^2 \times \mathbb{R}^2}{?}$ as the apex of the cone. Similarly, for the colimit should be a quotient space of the direct sum $W= \frac{\mathbb{R}^2 \oplus \mathbb{R}^2 \oplus \mathbb{R}^2}{?}$. However, I do not know how to proceed (I know what quotient spaces are, but am not sure how to construct a specific one here). Furthermore, I should also prove, that the cone i find is actually the limit (colimit) of the diagram, which I also wouldn't know how to do.

I would be grateful for a thorough step-by-step explanation of the process of finding the limits are colimits of this diagram (and by extension diagrams of this type). The textbooks I have only give a very abstract overview of the subject and I suspect my inability to solve this is due to a poor understanding of constructing vector spaces with desired properties.

Best Answer

$\require{AMScd}\newcommand\mat[1]{\begin{bmatrix}#1\end{bmatrix}}$Let \begin{CD} V @= V @= V\\ @V v_1 VV @Vv_2VV @VV v_3 V\\ \Bbb R^2@<<f<\Bbb R^2@>>g>\Bbb R^2 \end{CD} be a cone. Then $h\circ v_2=v_2$, hence $(h-1)\circ v_2=0$. Since $h-1=\bigl[\begin{smallmatrix}-1&0\\0&1\end{smallmatrix}\bigr]$, we have $\det(h-1)\neq 0$, henec $v_2=0$. Consequently, $v_1=f\circ v_2=0$ and $v_3=g\circ v_2=0$. Hence there exists one and only one morphism making the following diagram commutative \begin{CD} V @= V @= V\\ @VVV@VVV @VVV\\ \{0\} @= \{0\} @= \{0\}\\ @VVV @VVV @VVV\\ \Bbb R^2@<<f<\Bbb R^2@>>g>\Bbb R^2 \end{CD} and this proves \begin{CD} \{0\} @= \{0\} @= \{0\}\\ @VVV @VVV @VVV\\ \Bbb R^2@<<f<\Bbb R^2@>>g>\Bbb R^2 \end{CD} to be a limit cone.

On the other hand, let \begin{CD} \Bbb R^2@<f<<\Bbb R^2@>g>>\Bbb R^2\\ @Vw_1VV@Vw_2VV@VVw_3V\\ W@=W@=W \end{CD} be a cocone. Then $w_1\circ f=w_3\circ g$, hence \begin{align} 0 &=w_1\circ f-w_3\circ g\\ &=\mat{w_1&w_3}\mat{f\\-g}\\ &=\mat{u_1&v_1&u_3&v_3}\mat{1&0\\1&1\\-2&0\\0&0}\\ &=\mat{u_1+v_1-2u_3&v_1} \end{align} from which $v_1=0$ and $u_1=2u_3$, so that \begin{align} \mat{w_1&w_3} &=\mat{u_1&v_1&u_3&v_3}\\ &=\mat{2u_3&0&u_3&v_3}\\ &=\mat{u_3&v_3} \mat{2&0&1&0\\0&0&0&1} \end{align} from which \begin{align} w_1&=\mat{u_3&v_3}\mat{2&0\\0&0}=w_3\circ g& &w_3=\mat{u_3&v_3}\mat{1&0\\0&1}=\mat{u_3&v_3} \end{align} Moreover, $w_2\circ h=w_2$ gives $w_2\circ(h-1)=0$ from which \begin{align} 0 &=w_2\\ &=w_3\circ g\\ &=\mat{u_3&v_3}\mat{2&0\\0&0}\\ &=\mat{2u_3&0} \end{align} which gives $u_3=0$, hence $w_3=\mat{0&v_3}=v_3\circ\mat{0&1}$. Since $\mat{0&1}$ is an epimorphism, $v_3$ is the only morphism making the following diagram commutative \begin{CD} \Bbb R^2@<f<<\Bbb R^2@>g>>\Bbb R^2\\ @V0VV@V0VV@VV\mat{0&1}V\\ \Bbb R@=\Bbb R@=\Bbb R\\ @Vv_3VV@Vv_3VV@VVv_3V\\ W@=W@=W \end{CD} and this proves \begin{CD} \Bbb R^2@<f<<\Bbb R^2@>g>>\Bbb R^2\\ @V0VV@V0VV@VV\mat{0&1}V\\ \Bbb R@=\Bbb R@=\Bbb R \end{CD} to be a colimit cocone.

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