Find limit $\lim_{x\rightarrow0^+}xe^{1/x}$


I want to find


This is what my textbook does:

$$\lim_{x\rightarrow0^+}x\cdot e^{1/x}=\left[x=\frac{1}{t}\right]=\lim_{x\rightarrow+\infty}\frac{e^t}{t}=+\infty$$

This is indeed correct. It basically replaces the variable x with $1/t$. What I instead did was:

  • $x \rightarrow0^+$ (I replace x with the value that the limit approaches to, since $x$ is a continuous function).
  • For $e^{1/x}$, this is a composition of function: $\frac 1 x \rightarrow+\infty$ for $x\rightarrow0^+$, therefore $e^{+\infty}=+\infty $ for $x\rightarrow0^+$.

This results in the product of $0^+$ and $+\infty$ which should be equal to $0^+$. I wonder what I did wrong in my reasoning. Any hints?

Best Answer

The $0^+$ is not a real number just means something tends to $0$. So the answer is $\infty$ suggests $e^{\frac{1}{x}}\rightarrow \infty$ is faster than $x\rightarrow 0^+$.