Find lengths and corner coordinates of an irregular pentagon


How do I find the side lengths and therefore corner coordinates of a pentagon with the following internal angles:

A = 140°, B = 60°, C = 160°, D = 80°, E = 100°


The pentagon is described here, but only by it's angles. I've tried to classify it into one of the 15 monohedral pentagons to get some relation between the sides, but with no luck.

Some background: I'm interested in writing some code to draw tessellating pentagons, but without a definition of the dimensions of the base shape I'm unable to get anywhere.

I'm particular interested in this pentagon from this paper:

enter image description here

(Thanks, and please be gentle, I haven't done much maths since university.)

Best Answer

Each pentagon consists of an equilateral triangle and a rhombus, see figure (and the Note at the end) enter image description here To obtain a desired tiling, you can consider the length of each side equal $1.$

The center of the configuration is in $0.$ Starting with two points (here $0$ and $1$), any further point is obtained by a rotation of a point we already have. With the use of complex numbers has a rotation a simple formula $$z'-z_0=e^{i\varphi}(z-z_0),$$ where $z_0$ is ordinate of the center of the rotation, $z$ is that of the point you want to rotate, and $z'$ is the obtained image of $z.$ Complex ordinates of some points are enclosed.

Note added: there is a typo in the picture, the most right point is obtained by a clockwise rotation (negative angle), the right term is $e^{-i10\pi/18}.$

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