Find fisher information for this pdf

fisher informationstatistics

Compute the maximum likelihood estimator for the unknown (one or two
dimensional) parameter, based on a sample of n i.i.d. random variables
with that distribution. In each case, is the Fisher information well
defined ? If yes, compute it.

We have a shihifted exponential distribution with parameters $\alpha \in \mathbb{R},\:\lambda >0:$

$\:f_{\alpha ,\lambda }\left(x\right)=\lambda e^{-\lambda \left(x-\alpha \right)}1_{x\ge \alpha },\:\forall x\in \mathbb{R}$

I want to find fisher information for this pdf. How can I do that?

I tried to find the second derivative of a log-likelihood function of $a$ but it is zero, so fisher information of $a$ is zero?

Best Answer

Hint for the solution

  • First define the Likelihood fuction, that is

$$L(\alpha;\lambda)=\lambda^ne^{-\lambda \sum_i x_i}e^{n \alpha \lambda}\mathbb{1}_{(-\infty; x_{(1)}]}(\alpha)$$

  • Find the MLE estimator for $\alpha$;

Observing that

$$L(\alpha)\propto e^{n \alpha \lambda}\mathbb{1}_{(-\infty; x_{(1)}]}(\alpha)$$

this likelihood is strictly increasing in $\alpha$ so the MLE is


  • Fix $\alpha$ with $\hat{\alpha}$ and find with the usual procedure the MLE for $\lambda$

  • the fisher information is well defined only for $\lambda$....calculate it with the definition. That is because the general regularity conditions are not satisfied in this model, with respect to $\alpha$

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