Find equation of tangential plane at a given point of a surface

conic sectionsdifferential-geometryparametricreal-analysistangent-spaces

I have a parametric, regular surface
$(u,v)\in\mathbb{R}^2$. I need to find tangent plane in point $Q=s(1,0)$. I used the formula for calculation the plane but the problem is I can't get an explicit equation.

I got $$(x, y, z) = (\cosh(1)+u\sinh(1)-\sinh(1),v\cosh(1), \sinh(1)+u\cosh(1)-\cosh(1)).$$

Have I missed something or is there a better way. I know that this surface is a surface of one sheet hyperboloid but I can't use the standard formula.

Best Answer

Write the surface as


and the point $s(1,0)$ corresponds to $\vec{Q} = (\cosh(1),0,\sinh(1))$. The vector normal to the surface at the point $(x,y,z)$ is given by $(z_x',z_y',-1$), or

$$\vec{n} = (\coth(1),0,-1)$$

Let $\vec{P}=(x,y,z)$ be the points on the tangent plane, which has to satisfy $\vec{n}\cdot\vec{QP}=0$, or,


Thus, the equation of the tangent plane is
