Find Diffeomorphism of Torus


In this post Flat tori as a riemannian product, it is shown that every flat torus is isometric to $\mathbb{R}^2/\Lambda$ for $\Lambda$ a lattice in $\mathbb{R}^2$.

I have a torus with Riemannian metric

$$g(\theta_1, \theta_2) = \begin{bmatrix} 0.075\cos(\theta_2) + 0.16 & 0.038\cos(\theta_2) + 0.045 \\
0.038\cos(\theta_2) + 0.045 & 0.045\end{bmatrix}$$

I have shown it has zero sectional curvature everywhere.

My questions are,

  1. Is this a flat torus? If so, how would I find that lattice $\Lambda$ from the above-cited post?

  2. Is there a diffeomorphism from this torus to the standard torus $\mathbb{R}^2/(\vec{e}_1, \vec{e}_2)$ that carries the Riemannian metric from this torus onto the standard one? If so, in this post Map Induced on $H_1(T^2)$ by Rotation by Irrational Angle, it is shown that every diffeomorphism of $T^2$, f, is of the form $f=f_0 \circ f_A$ for $f_0 \in \text{Diff}_0(T^2)$ and $f_A$ left-multiplication by $A \in GL_2(\mathbb{Z})$. How would I find $f_0$ and $A$?

EDIT: Maybe there is an $f_0 \in \text{Diff}_0(T^2)$ with $f_0$ being an isometry between $(T^2,g)$ and $\mathbb{R}^2/\Lambda$ for $\Lambda \ne (\vec{e}_1, \vec{e}_2)$? If so, how would I find $f_0$ and $\Lambda$?

Best Answer

This is not an actual answer, but this is too long for a comment.

Is this a flat torus? If so, how would I find that lattice Λ from the above-cited post?

If you have already shown that all sectional curvatures of your torus $(S^1\times S^1,g)$ vanish (which I haven't checked), then the metric $g$ is flat by definition. From the classification of flat tori, there exist a lattice $\Lambda \subset \Bbb R^2$ and an isometry $f \colon \Bbb R^2/\Lambda \to (S^1\times S^1,g)$. The metric on the left is the one obtained from the Euclidean metric on $\Bbb R^2$.

Here is how to construct the corresponding lattice. Let $\gamma_1$ (resp. $\gamma_2$) be the shortest (resp. second shortest) closed unit speed geodesic in $(S^1\times S^1,g)$. Let $p_0$ be the point where they intersect. Up to translating the time parameter, $\gamma_1$ and $\gamma_2$, we can assume that $\gamma_1(0) = \gamma_2(0) = p_0$. Now, up to replacing $\gamma_2(t)$ with $\gamma_2(-t)$, we can assume that $\langle \gamma'_1(0),\gamma'_2(0) \rangle \geqslant 0$. Let $u = \gamma'(0)$ and $v = \gamma'(0)$. Let $\Lambda = \Bbb Z u \oplus \Bbb Z v \subset T_{p_0}(S^1\times S^1) = \Bbb R^2$ (this identification is canonical). The exponential map $\exp_{p_0} \colon \Bbb R^2 \to (S^1\times S^1,g)$ is a local isometry, and descends as an isometry $f \colon \Bbb R^2 / \Lambda \to (S^1\times S^1,g)$.

Is there a diffeomorphism from this torus to the standard torus $\Bbb R^2/ \Bbb Z^2$ that carries the Riemannian metric from this torus onto the standard one?

This will be possible if and only if $|u|=|v| = 1$, and $\langle u,v\rangle = 0$, i.e. if $\{u,v\}$ is an orthonormal basis of $T_{p_0}(S^1\times S^1)$. This is because two flat tori $\Bbb R^2 / \Lambda_1$ and $\Bbb R^2 / \Lambda_2$ are isometric if and only if there exists a linear isometry of $\Bbb R^2$ that sends $\Lambda_1$ to $\Lambda_2$.

Every diffeomorphism of $T^2$ $f$ is of the form $f=f_0\circ f_1$ for $f_0 \in \mathrm{Diff}_0(T^2)$ and $f_A$ is the left-multiplication by $A\in GL_2(\Bbb Z)$.

Yes, this is true for any diffeomorphism from $\Bbb R^2 / \Bbb Z^2$ to itself (so that the comment you added in edit does not make sense).

Finally, let me comment that I computed the area of your torus thanks to WolframAlpha, which seems to be close to 2.6. The usual torus has unit area. I might have made an error somewhere, but it seems to me that you torus isn't isometric to the standard flat torus.