Find Coordinates on circles circumference.


i am having some trouble with some maths that i am dealing with.

To be more specific, i have 2 circles :

  • first circle O with center (Xo,Yo)
  • Radius R1
  • i also have a point A(Xa,Ya) on that circles circumference

from the 2 circle J i know that:

  • the center is the same as the firsts circle
  • and the Radius R2 is R2=R1+k, where k is known

Now what i want is to find the points coordinates on the 2nd circle, where if we drew a line that starts from the center of the circle, passes the point A from the 1st circle and it stops on the 2nd circle. How can i find it out ?
Anything would be helpfull, as i have been struggling with this for 3 days and found nothing.

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

You can write the equation of the line that goes through $A$ and $O$ as $$\frac{x-x_O}{x_A-x_O}=\frac{y-y_O}{y_A-y_O}$$ You know that $B$ is on this line, so $$\frac{x_B-x_O}{x_A-x_O}=\frac{y_B-y_O}{y_A-y_O}$$ So you have an equation with two unknowns, $x_B$ and $y_B$. The other equation is $$\frac{x_B-x_O}{x_A-x_O}=\frac{y_B-y_O}{y_A-y_O}=\frac{R_2}{R_1}$$ You can now solve the problem

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