Find coordinates of points lying on circumference of the circle in 3D space

geometrylinear algebra

Imagine I have two points in 3D space: A (x0, y0, z0) and B (x, y, z). I can draw a line through them. Now what I want is to take a plane that is orthogonal to the line and contains the point A. Let's say point A is a center of a circle that lies in the plane with some radius r. Now, how do I calculate the coordinates of the points that lie on circumference of this circle?

Thank you

Best Answer

There will be infinite points which lie on the perimeter of the circle. The easiest way to represent a circle in $3D$ would be to take the intersection of a sphere and a plane.

Equation of the sphere would be - $$S : (X-x_o)^2 + (Y-y_o)^2+ (Z-z_o)^2=(x-x_o)^2 + (y-y_o)^2+ (z-z_o)^2$$

Equation of the plane will be - $$P : (x-x_o)(X-x_0) + (y-y_o)(Y-y_0)+ (z-z_o)(Z-z_0) =0 $$

The solutions of these two equations will lie on the circumference of the circle.

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