Find circle radius from cyclic trapezium


I'm solving some of my countries olympiad problems, and after manipulating all of the data I was able to get the title of the question. I have an isosceles trapezium $ABCD$ which has all of its vertices inscribed in a circumference, and I need to find the circle's radius. The side lengths are $AB=4$, $AD=BC=2$, and $CD=6$. The angles are $\angle ADC = \angle DCB = 60$ and $\angle BAD = \angle CBA = 120$.

I know there is a ridiculous formula which uses diagonals and semi perimeters, but I don't think that is the intended answer. In fact, I suspect the answer is half 3, half of $CD$, but I haven't been able to prove it.

I'm not sure if this matters anymore, as I used it to get to this part of the problem, but $AD$ and $BC$ intersect at $E$, and form an angle of $60$ (all numbers on degrees).

Can't provide a sketch, but it should be easy to draw.

Best Answer

Let O is center of circumference, E is middle of AB, F is middle of CD, OA=$R$, OE=$x$. Then OF=$|\sqrt{3}-x|$.

Then $R^2=OA^2=AE^2+OE^2=4+x^2$, $R^2=OD^2=DF^2+OF^2=9+3-2\sqrt{3}x+x^2$.

Then $4+x^2=9+3-2\sqrt{3}x+x^2 \Rightarrow$ $2\sqrt{3}x=8 \Rightarrow$ $x=\frac{4}{\sqrt{3}} \Rightarrow$ $R^2=4+\frac{16}{3}=\frac{28}{3} \Rightarrow$ $R=2\sqrt{\frac{7}{3}}$.