Find angle $x$ in the given composite figure of $\triangle BAC$ and $\triangle BDC$.


A very unique question featuring a composite diagram of two triangles, with a missing angle and two equal sides.
I am posting this here to see what kind of different approaches there could be to solve it. Please feel free to leave your own answers!

(I have posted my own approach as an answer below)

enter image description here

Best Answer

Yet another geometrical alternative. Since $\angle BAC + \angle BDC = 180^\circ$, we rotate and translate $\triangle BCD$ into $\triangle FBA$ as shown in the figure below:

enter image description here

(Note that $A$ lies on $CF$. However, we cannot not assume a priori that $D$ lies on $BF$, so we cannot simply observe that $\triangle BCF$ is equilateral.)

Now $$ \angle F = \angle CBD = 180^\circ - \angle BCD - \angle BDC = 75^\circ - x. $$ But $BC = BF$, so $$ \angle F = \angle BCF = \angle BCD + \angle ACD = 45^\circ + x, $$ so $$ 75^\circ - x = 45^\circ + x. $$ Therefore, $x = 15^\circ$.