Geometry – Finding Angle x in a Circle


In the figure, A, B, C, and D are points of tangency . Determine x. (S:$x=60^o$)

enter image description here

I try

$\angle FUG = x+3(\beta+\theta)$

$\angle CFE = 180-4\theta-x (I)$

$\angle BGE = 180-4\beta – x(II)$

$(I)and(II): \angle CFE -\angle BGE = 4(\beta-\theta)$

$\angle BFC \cong \angle UGC$

enter image description here

Best Answer

I will use $t,s$ instead of $\theta,\beta$ for an easy typing. We are starting with the following situation, which copies the OP figure, and marks some more angles relevant for a first step:

stackexchange 4708162

Let $u$ be the common measure of the arcs $ \overset\frown{AB} = \overset\frown{BC} = \overset\frown{CD} $. Then the complement of $u$, i.e. $90^\circ-u$, as built in $F$ and in $G$ gives: $$ \frac{4s+x}2=u=\frac{4t+x}2\ ,\ $$ which implies $s=t$. (Above, $4s+x$ is the exterior angle in $G$ for$\Delta BEG$, so it is the sum of the interior angles in $B,E$, which were given.) From now on we will keep only $s$, use it also instead of $t$. The sum of the angles in the quadrilateral $OAED$ is $360$, which gives also $x$ in terms of $s$ from $180^\circ=3u+(t+x+s)=3\left( 90^\circ - \frac{4s+x}2 \right)+(2s+x)$, we extract first $4s+x$, then $x$: $$ x = 180^\circ -8s\ . $$ Then we can compute other angles in terms of $s$: By symmetry, $U$ is on $EO$, and $EO\perp FG$. The angle $\widehat{FEU}$ is $\frac 12(t+x+s)=90^\circ-3s$, so $\widehat{EFG}=\widehat{EGF}=3s=\widehat{EBG}$, the quadrilateral $EFBG$ is cyclic, so $EFBCG$ cyclic.

Before we conclude, it is maybe a good didactic idea to show the situation so far. For a given $s$ we have then the following picture, some of the properties of the given picture have been used, but evidently, some of them are missing:

mathematics stackexchange 4708162 second figure

(A lot of things do not fit, $EFL$, $EGM$ are not tangent $FUC$, $GUB$ are not tangent to the circle $O$. How to conclude quickly?)

From $EFBCG$ cyclic we obtain $\widehat{FBE}=\widehat{FCE}=3s$. Recall that we want a right angle $$ 90^\circ=\widehat{FBG}=\widehat{FBE}+\widehat{EBG}=3s+3s=6s \ . $$ This determines $s=15^\circ$, and then $x=180^\circ-8s=60^\circ$.


Note: So far we have shown that if such a configuration exists, then $s=15^\circ$ and $x=60^\circ$. Well, the problem assumed that it exists, and we may stop here. But let us prove that the only one possible configuration exists indeed. We do so from the second figure. If $s=15^\circ$, then conversely $\widehat{FBG}=3s+3s=90^\circ$, so $BG$ is tangent to the circle $(O)$ in $B$. Why is $EFL$ tangent to this circle, too?

mathematics stackexchange 4708162 third picture

We compute angles of $\color{forestgreen}{30^\circ}$ in $L,U,M$ as shown in the picture. Let $O$ be the intersections of the lines $FB$ and $GC$. These are the perpendicular bisectors of the segments $LU$, $UM$. The reflection of $FUC$ w.r.t. $FBO$ is $FL$ first, and it is also tangent (in the reflection of $C$) to the circle. In same manner, $GM$ is a tangent, too.