Find angle x in isosceles triangle


Considering the attached image, is that possible to compute for $\angle x$ in the isosceles triangle below, with no further known values?

$\\$I have found $\angle B$ and $\angle C$ are $50^o$. So $\angle B$ is divided by $\overline{BP}$ to $10^o$ and $40^o$. But I can't find how the $\angle C$ is divided by $\overline{CP}$. Also its clear that $\overline{BP}$ is perpendicular to leg $\overline{AC}$.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Construct equilateral triangle $ABX$ as in the picture.

Note that the concave angle $BXA$ equals $300^\circ = 2\cdot 150^\circ = 2\angle BPA$, hence $P$ lies on the circle with center $X$ and radius $XA=XB$. It follows that $\angle PXB = 2\angle PAB = 40^\circ$.

On the other hand, $AB=AX=AC$, so $A$ is the circumcenter of triangle $BXC$, hence $\angle CXB = \frac 12 \cdot \angle CAB = \frac 12 \cdot 80^\circ = 40^\circ$.

Since $\angle PXB = 40^\circ = \angle CXB$, points $X, P, C$ are collinear.

Since $AC=AX$, we have $\angle PCA = \angle AXP = 2\cdot \angle ABP = 20^\circ$, hence $$\angle APC = 180^\circ - \angle CAP - \angle PCA = 180^\circ - 60^\circ - 20^\circ = 100^\circ.$$

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