Find angle between space diagonal and one of its edges of cube with unit side length.


Q – consider a cube in $\mathbb R^3$ with unit side length and one vertex at the origin. Find the angle between the space diagonal of this cube and one of its edges.

my solution/attempt is attached, please correct if needed.enter image description here

Best Answer

The answer is right. Alternatively, since you marked it with the vectors tag, you might want to use dot product. Starting from origin, the diagonal is $(1,1,1)$. The side is $(1,0,0)$ (or $(0,1,0)$ or $(0,0,1)$). Then $$(1,1,1)\cdot(1,0,0)=1=|(1,1,1)|\cdot |(1,0,0)|\cdot\cos\theta=\sqrt3 \cdot 1\cdot\cos\theta$$ Therefore $$\theta=\arccos\frac1{\sqrt 3}$$ This is the same angle.

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