Find an isomorphism between two groups: $G_1=\langle(123)(45)\rangle$ and $G_2=\{e,(12)(34),(567),(576),(12)(34)(567),(12)(34)(576)\}$


Find an isomorphism between two groups: $G_1=\langle(123)(45)\rangle$ and $G_2=\{e,(12)(34),(567),(576),(12)(34)(567),(12)(34)(576)\}$.

I already know the answer to the question, but I have a few questions on how to get there.

First of all, how can I "create" all elements generated by $\langle(123)(45)\rangle$. If it was in $\mathbb Z_n$, I would just add the element mod n until I get back to the identity. But with this, how do I do it?

And then, is there a way to find the isomorphism or you have to try and see? I know the identity will always go to the identity, but other than that?

Best Answer

To answer your first question, the group $\langle (123)(45)\rangle$ is a finite cyclic group, so it very much behaves like the cyclic subgroups of $\mathbb{Z}$, i.e. there is a minimal $k$ such that $((123)(45))^k=e$ after which the elements repeat.

Clearly we have $(123)^3=e$ and $(45)^2=e$, and moreover $(123)^{3m}=e$ and $(45)^{2n}=e$ for any two non-negative integers $m$ and $n$. We are therefore interested in those powers $3m$ and $2n$ for which the cycles $(123)$ and $(45)$ simultaneously go to $e$, i.e. in the minimal solution of $3m=2n$, which is $(m,n)=(2,3)$. In particular, we have $$((123)(45))^6=(123)^6(45)^6=(123)^{3\cdot 2}(45)^{2\cdot 3}=e$$ and therefore $$((123)(45))^{6+i}=((123)(45))^i$$ for any non-negative integer $i$.

Therefore to list the non-trivial elements of $\langle (123)(45)\rangle$ we have to figure out $$((123)(45))^i=(123)^i(45)^i$$ for $i=1,2,3,4,5$, which are $$(123)(45), (132), (45), (123),\text{ and }(132)(45).$$