Find all roots of a quintic polynomial given 1

newton raphsonnumerical methodspolynomialsquintics

Let's say I have solved for one of the roots $a$ of a quintic equation using Newton's method. I read somewhere that you can "simply" divide the equation by $x – a$ to get a quartic and solve from there.

How would I get this quartic equation from my quintic euqation (using a formula), and after doing this, how would I go about solving it numerically?

Best Answer

If $p(x)=x^5+Ax^4+Bx^3+Cx^2+Dx+E$ has root $a$, then



$$\begin{align} A&=A'-a\\ B&=B'-aA'\\ C&=C'-aB'\\ D&=D'-aC'\\ E&=-aD' \end{align}$$

We can easily unwind the first two equations to

$$\begin{align} A'&=A+a\\ B'&=B+aA'=B+aA+a^2 \end{align}$$

and the last two (provided $a\not=0$) to

$$\begin{align} D'&=-E/a\\ C'&=(D'-D)/a=-(E/a^2+D/a) \end{align}$$

Alternatively you could keep going in the "forward" direction with

$$\begin{align} C'&=C+aB'=C+aB+a^2A+a^3\\ D'&=D+aC'=D+aC+a^2B+a^3A+a^4 \end{align}$$

Either way, if you have a (good) numerical approximation to $a$, you can compute (approximately) the coefficients $A'$, $B'$, $C'$, and $D'$ of a quartic and then apply your favorite root-finding algorithm to that polynomial. If you succeed in getting a second root, you can repeat the basic idea outlined here, to factor that root out of the quartic leaving a cubic, etc. (Once you get things down to a quadratic, the quadratic formula will finish things off.)

Note, however, that a quintic may have only one real root, so some caution is called for if you're trying to make this mindless and mechanical; in particular, Newton-Raphson is not going to help with a quartic that has no real roots.