Find all real values of $x, y$ and $z$ such that $x-\sqrt{yz}=42$, $y-\sqrt{xz}=6,z-\sqrt{xy}=-30$. (COMC) 1997 Part B Question 4


Find all real values of $x, y$ and $z$ such that $x-\sqrt{yz}=42$, $y-\sqrt{xz}=6,z-\sqrt{xy}=-30$.

I was preparing for my COMC Contest so I was doing past years exams. This question really stop me so I want to get some help from others.

I tried substitute $x$ to $a^2$, $y$ to $b^2$ and $z$ to $c^2$. And combining the equations so I can turn this function to 2 variables. But I am stuck because I can't find a way of turning this function to 2 variables. I add the three new equations with a, b and c in pairs, but I can't reduce the equations to 2 variables. I also tried to subtract the equations in pairs, too. I still can't figure it out. Can someone solve my question with the same method too?

Thank you very much!

This question is from Canadian Open Mathematic Challenge (COMC) 1997 Part B Question 4.

Best Answer

Using your substitution and subtracting the equations pairwise, we end up with:

$72 = 42 - (-30) = a^2 - bc - (c^2 - ab ) = (a-c) ( a+b+c)$
$36 = 6 - (-30) = b^2 - ca - (c^2 - ab) = (b-c) (a+b+c )$
$ 36 = 42 - 6 = a^2 - bc - (b^2 - ca) = (a-b) ( a + b + c) $

Hence $ a-c = 2 (b-c) = 2(a-b)$, or that $ b = \frac{ a+c}{2}$.
Substituting this into the second equation gives us $(a-c)^2 = 24 $ so $|a-c| = 2 \sqrt{6} $.
Substituting this into the first equation gives us $84 = 2a^2 - ac - c^2 = (a-c)(2a + c) $, so $ |2a+c| = 7 \sqrt{6} $, where $a-c, 2a+c$ have the same sign.

Hence, the solutions are $(a, b, c) = \pm ( 3 \sqrt{6}, 2 \sqrt{6}, \sqrt{6} )$, which gives us $ (x,y,z) = (54, 24, 6 )$.


  • Given the symmetry in the equations, taking the pairwise difference and (attempting to) factoring out $a-b$ is a common approach. It is often harder to work with the pairwise sum.