Find all possible positive integers $x$ and $y$ such that the equation: $(x+y)(x-y)=\frac{(y+1)(y-1)}{24}$ is satisfied.

diophantine equationsnumber theory

My approach so far:

The given equation can be rewritten as: $x^2 -y^2=\frac{y^2 -1}{24}.$ This gives

$24x^2 +1=25y^2=(5y)^2.$ So $(24x^2+1)$ must also be a perfect square. This implies $x=0, 1$ is two such possible values for $x$. As $x>0$, so $x=1$ is a possible solution. Corresponding to this, we get $y=1$. But how to check does there exist any other solutions or not? Please suggest.. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

The equation is equivalent to $$ 24x^2 - 25y^2 =- 1. $$ An equation of the form $ax^2-by^2=c$ can be solved by continued fractions, see here, or by the LMM method. The solutions are given by the family $$ x = u + 25 v, y = u + 24 v $$ with $u^2-600v^2=1$. This is Pell's equation. Its fundamental solution is $(u,v)=(49,2)$, which gives $(x,y)=(99,97)$. So we have infinitely many solutions.

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