Find all positive integers $a,b,c,x,y,z$ satisfying $a+b+c=xyz$ and $x+y+z=abc$.

contest-mathdiophantine equationselementary-number-theorysystems of equations

Find all positive integers $a,b,c,x,y,z$ satisfying $$a+b+c=xyz,\tag{1}$$and$$x+y+z=abc,\tag{2}$$ where $a\ge b\ge c\ge 1$ and $x\ge y\ge z\ge 1$.

My try: I think this problem is unique in a way that there are 6 variables and 2 equations , in that way, there may be lot of cases. Also unlike other diophantine equations factoring is not possible. Here is something i did.

Obviously $xyz\ge 3$ and similarly $abc\ge 3$ ,starting with the equality $xyz=3$ or $x=3,y=1,z=1$,and it happens when $a=b=c=1$. Naturally it does not satisfy equation $(2)$ .I tried randomly setting variables some values to see if some pattern popped up,but all efforts were futile.

Next i tried setting $y=1 ,z=1$ which implies $a+b+c=abc-2$ again one could get many triplets.

i am totally stuck.Could anyone nudge me to the right track

Best Answer

If all the integers are greater than or equal to $2$, then $$ a+b+c < abc = x+y+z < xyz = a+b+c. $$ Contradiction. Therefore, assume WLOG that $z=1$. You get $$ a+b+c = xy, \qquad x+y+1 = abc. $$ Now assume again, $a, b, c, x, y\geq2$, you get $$ a+b+c < abc = x+y+1 \leq xy + 1 = a+b+c+1. $$ Therefore, $abc=a+b+c+1$ and $x+y=xy$. Since $x, y\geq 2$, this implies $x=y=2$. Easy to find $a, b, c$ from here (if there are any). The remaining cases are when $c=1$ or $y=1$.

$(a, b, c) = (3, 2, 1)$ and $(x, y, z) = (3, 2, 1)$ is one example.

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